Sunday, 20 September 2015

Taking Control

This week I learnt I can't control what happens to me but I can control my response to it.

I returned from my wonderful holiday to be told the NHS team I work for has gone out to tender. A time now of uncertainty - who will 'win' and will they still want 'us'? My response is to try to stay calm and positive......and use the Headspace App - have you tried it? It's brilliant! :-)

I had decided earlier this year to diversify, the NHS, sadly, is not what it was. I had enrolled to start college this month to study Massage and in 2016 Pilates.... I had a plan - a dream.....

Then I went to see a Consultant following having a scan to be told I need a hysterectomy - in October (ffs)! My immediate thoughts were "Oh no - college" and then "I'm doing a half marathon in November".

I came out from my consultation and within an hour had deferred my start date for college (not to January as I hoped but April) however I will be doing some study during my recovery.

I then found a half marathon to do next week!! I know, eeeekkkk! Training has started in earnest, I have to pull this off. I have been working up to this all year, I didn't want to just think "Oh well" and accept I couldn't do the November half.

Also this week my gorgeous pooch got really really sick and was not expected to survive; very hard to control my emotions, but I believed in him, believed that he would be coming home.....and he did, I'm so grateful! I just need to rethink my training runs as he is my ultra faithful running buddy! :-)

Sometimes it can be so difficult to motivate oneself when faced with difficult times, so easy to just accept and feel powerless, to not take control of a bad situation. This week I feel I did! I just need to stay positive. I am fit and strong, hoping to tick a couple of things off my life list, recover quickly and 'get back on it'!

Many thanks for dropping by!
Have a wonderful week, XX.

1 comment:

  1. Whata lot of shocks and changes for you to take in all at once. I'm glad to read that your dear dog (I love springers!) is recovering. I hope everything finally works out for good for you.
