Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Being Granny & A First Birthday

Being a Granny is the best present I could ever be gifted. This last year has seen changes to our family in the most amazing way possible, my Grandson brings such love and joy. 
We often all sit and observe him in wonder. 
Watching as he overcame the obstacles faced at birth, slowly awakening to this new and wonderful World and family that just love and adore him so much.
Lately he has gone from crawling to cruising and standing alone - those first steps taken, the confidence just needed! He's learning to communicate, sounds changing all the time, a new repertoire of first words being formed. He reserves certain nuances for different people, for Grandpa it's playing monsters, for me huge snuggly hugs you just don't want to end :-)

And so at weekend we celebrated this little man's First Birthday! With of course our family tradition of Henry Hedgehog cake, which his Mama wishes to continue (so sweet)!
Days like these are to be seized with both hands they really are a gift -
 I can hardly grasp, a year gone so fast!!
 This time the branch was hung with hearts - what our home is full of!
 There were sweet treats - of course!
 & here he is - this little man who has turned our World upside down - Sebby!
As a Mum I was chilled but I'm so much more chilled as a granny ;-)  Timing doesn't matter, the loose routine stays the same but we eat when hungry, go to bed when tired...embrace spontaneity, housework can always wait.

Thanks for reading this Granny's musings!


  1. Wishing your grandson many happy returns ..... they are a joy aren't they ? XXXX

  2. He's absolutely beautiful!!!!! And yes! The housework will always be there---relish your moments together.
